Publicații AIO

Anuarul Institutului de Istorie Orală (Annual of the Oral History Institute) is the publication of the Oral History Institute of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Currently, the journal is indexed in the CEEOL database. Since the publication of its first issue, in 1998 the journal has provided an innovative approach to the study of recent past through oral history. The Annual of the Oral History Institute is one of the few academic publications in this field in Europe. Therefore, we publish original work, based on grass-root oral history research, but we encourage multidisciplinary approaches within this area. The manuscripts should be in English, not longer than 50.000 characters (including the references and annexes) with abstract, keyword and a short biography of the author. All articles are evaluated by at least two peer reviewers according the AOHI peer-review procedures.

The Annual of the Oral History Institute celebrates this year its 20th anniversary, and it brings together articles on the history of gold mining in the Apuseni which investigate traditional mining, revealing family and community strategies for economic survival, by pointing out continuities and discontinuities throughout history. The researchers scrutinized and tried to reconstruct miners' biographies and evaluate the economic and cultural status of this profession. Moreover, they analyze the perceived impact of "great history" events and phenomena upon the individual and familiar miner biographies such as modernization, industrialization, wars, reforms, political regimes, strikes, revolutions, etc. Last, but not least, the authors deal with the economic strategies and identity negotiation in the miners' world at the crossroads of tradition and modernization/industrialization: the miner profession in urban and rural areas, agricultural occupations which double mining, work accidents, the experience of women in mining communities, etc.
Table of contents and article abstracts

The present issue of the Annual of the Oral History Institute, no. XIX/2018, focuses on the history of gold mining in the Apuseni Mountains resulting from a project called History of Gold Mining in the Apuseni Mountains. It approaches topics such as the miners’s lives at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the illicit gold trade in interwar Romania, miners’ profession through oral history and the communist regime’s control over the gold production and its impact on miners’ lives.
Table of contents and article abstracts

Current no. 18/2017 issue of the Annual of the Oral History Institute Oral History in Cluj-Napoca addresses two relevant issues in nowadays European societies: memory and minorities. Thus, the articles use oral history to make relevant analyzes on how the Roma minority in Romania, for too long absent from historical analysis, remember their lives during the communist regime. Their perspective is meant to contribute, substantially, to nuance and complete the history of communism in Romania.
Table of contents and article abstracts

The Roma, unlike other minorities in Romania, remained at the periphery of historians interest, reflecting thus Roma positioning in the society. This marginalization explains partially the absence of the Roma from the Romanian master narrative. With a tradition in approaching the oral history of different ethnic and religious minorities, the Oral History Institute in Cluj Napoca has been implementing since 2014 a project called The Untold Story. An Oral History of the Roma People in Romania, thus "forcing" the enterance into the academic world of both a pariah theme, the Roma, and a methodology, oral history.
Table of contents and article abstracts

This special issue of the Annual of Oral History (AOH), no. XVI, The Roma in Romania: Sharing a Traumatic Past - Living in a Problematic Present, came out as a necessity as it deals with what oral history is all about: invisible and unheard people in written history, i.e. the Roma. It is the result of the intensive work done by an enthusiastic team of young international scholars with diverse backgrounds, united by a project called The Untold Story. An Oral History of the Roma People in Romania (UnToRo).