EN - Responsabil arhivă: CS II Dr. Lavinia Snejana Costea
Regulament privind accesul la arhiva IIO
Cerere de consultare a arhivei IIO
Arranged chronologically, the catalog contains references to the oral archive holdings of interviews recorded on various formats: magnetic tapes, audio tapes (60 and 90 minutes), VHS and HS video tapes, digital recordings. From a thematic point of view, the oral archive includes recordings made on the following research themes: World War II, the Holocaust in NW Transylvania, the anti-communist resistance in Romania (the Rodnei mountains, the Apuseni mountains, the Banat mountains, the Făgăraș mountains, the Zarandului mountains, Bucovina, the mountains of Vrancea, Maramureș), ethnic and religious minorities, daily life under communism (the 1946 elections, the collectivization of agriculture, the concentration camp universe, childhood under communism), the 1989 Revolution, the war in Afghanistan, etc.